What I've Been Watching 📺

1. I am not usually one for vampire based  tv shows I don't know why but they never appealed to me as much but this show just seemed to be hyped by everyone and I had nothing to watch so I gave it a try and now i'm obsessed I've watched three seasons in the span of 3 weeks. I am in love with the characters and watching them grow through the season this show is never boring and their always something going from doppelgangers to werewolves and I'm officially hooked. They are currently on their last season which is their eighth season . I'm sort of upset that I didn't start earlier because I wish I went through the whole experience with the rest of the world but when this premiered i was only 8 but oh well we've still got the last season.

2. If you haven't yet watched Gilmore Girls or never heard of it you have been living under a rock my friend. I usually like watching sci-fi fantasy shows not usually sitcoms like this but this show gives me a nice break from that world. This show is really easy to relate to with issues that span from picking colleges to picking which boy is better. Rory and Lorelai mother daughter relationship is just goals and I love both of them and their obsession with coffee.

3. I actually got recommended this to by my mom believe it or not we were having a conversation about her favourite shows and she said that one of them no doubt was Friends I knew about this show before but just never got to watching it and got kind of intimated that it had 10 seasons but i started it anyway and i'm loving it it's funny, deals with real issues and their friend dynamic is just great.


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